Gumbo! YUMMY!
I have felt this would be the way it would turn out since the Florida game. I'm on your bandwagon!:thumb:
"He said red, yellow, black or white All are equal in his sight Mmm, mmm, mm! Barack Hussein Obama" or was it "Jesus loves the little children...
Congratulations on a healthy, beautiful baby! She makes a great addition to the Tiger family.
I grew up in DeRidder. Moved to Tennessee the summer between 8th and 9th grade. The first Mardi Gras rolls around and I finally learned it...
Apparently Jessica Simpson's dog went first The Shortlist for Sept. 15 | Gallery | Wonderwall
I sat in 636 lord only knows what row (way up there though) and they were great seats, I don't think you can go wrong in Tiger Stadium just...
Perfectly said.
But what about being "escorted by a man" would make me any safer? Red himself has said he's been mugged at gunpoint. As far as I know, Red is a...
I just don't think that's feasible, reasonable, or acceptable. Find a man to escort you or change your whole life around? Protect yourself. And...
My brother and his friend who are stationed at Bremerton (just outside of Seattle) are going. He bought tickets so I could go with him, but by...
I'm just gonna say, don't pretend to know me or my intelligence level and leave it at that. You're not worth the time it's taking me to type this.
Nevermind, not worth my time.
I heard this when he played it Friday and really liked the way they "re-mixed" it to make it easier to listen to and entertaining at the same time...
I like how this has turned from a thread about the government taking care of illegal immigrants to one on plagiarism. When you can't attack the...
"You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to SabanFan again."
There's a drive-in in Elizabethton, TN that's still operating.
Ok, coming from a WOMAN's point of view. I'm gonna have to disagree with half of this list except Brad, Denzel, and George. The rest of those...
Thanks. It's something that really gets me.