Re: 5Star DT William Campbell FWIW, the Michigan Premium board mod is saying he got information from his teammate at the AA game and was shocked...
Re: 5Star DT William Campbell This is huge news, I have had the feeling that it was either Michigan or LSU, based on what he has said, but...
"I'll be surprised if we get Coach O as DL coach but it would be great if we did. The whole Chavis thing is more likely and wouldn't surprise me....
I don't post here often, so I realize I don't have much credibilty built up. My friend is a huge LSU fan; is very well connected in Chapel Hill...
My buddy said he sounded excited on the phone.. Apparently Alleva is a very dry personality..hard to talk too kinda person.. TIFWIW
Actually my email says will be "Happy", I wrote "very Happy" . dont' want get everyone too excited LOL!
You raise a great question? I don't know about Henson, he has done a great job.. But the entire staff have done a great job.. and we need to...
I have an LSU buddy that spoke with Joe Alleva today via cell phone.. He told him that the asst coaches are very good, and are "secured", to quote...
On the Packman show, Monday, ESPN radio broadcast out of Char, NC, they had 5 guys on for Defensive player of the year, and of course one of the...
:lsup: bogus poll, go to philsteeles website, he has LSU at 11
bogus poll, go to philsteeles website, he has LSU at 11
Florida getting no love either at 20th? Hmmm...WVU is supposed to have a cupcake schedule and have proved they can play with the big boys...Many...
recruiting class year? That is, if we sign most of the players we want?? We are #3 now, it seems we have room for at least 10 more to get around...
IMO, I think AU maybe the 2nd Best team in the SEC, they have a great team...They can flat out run the ball, and if you can do that in this...
Stoops is expected to resign today at 4pm eastern. His agent said the fans are too ungrateful. Stoops not sleeping etc...lost the swagger, will...
"You suckers" better line up.... :hihi:
The west side will not have clubs or suites, that is on the east side. If you looking for glass or AC type seating, that is not in the plans...Now...
I thought Marines were smarter.
When did everyone loose thier sense of humor? For crying out was just for fun. I hope the kid does awesome , doing so with respect,...