This indeed is only the beginning. Can you imagine the consequences of giving that bitch more power than she already has. God hep us. I rarely...
I wonder if we count @Winston1 & @Halloween Run among the 12%? [ATTACH]
Where he would have you as a roommate. Do you honestly believe that 100% of the people demonstrating in DC yesterday were true, honest to God...
Are you against any in particular or all of the first ten amendments to the Constitution?
With 95% of the vote in, both GA Senate races are extremely close. Razor thin margins. One Dem is leading & one Rep leading.
There's too many "eyes" on these elections for that to happen imo.
Both GOP candidates are holding slight edges in the GA races with 80% of the votes in.
It doesn't take much effort on your part. Don't forget about @Winston1 You need to remember he's in his 70s so you need to give him a head...
You aren't alone.
With 40% of the vote in, both Dem candidates are in front by a pretty wide margin in the GA senate races. [ATTACH]
It's no surprise that DeVonta Smith won the Heisman by a wide margin. Very well spoken, humble young man. It's obvious his parents did a superb...
20 years ago I would have agreed with you 100%. Today I can't agree with your view completely. Too much crazy shit going on all over the world....
Your repetitive far left, Democratic spun posts suggest otherwise. The fact that @Winston1 likes all of them tells me all I need to know. I...
Don't hold your breath waiting for that to happen.
So you expected me or anyone else to get culpable from caubible?
Nah. Biden would pardon 'em both assuming he's still in office.