I dont have enough time to read all through the thread, but I will say....I tip my hat off to Matt Flynn for an amazing and memorable performance....
Im just shocked, this could have easily been a torn ACL season ending injury. Result, no greyshirt because he played more than half the season....
Let's kick some fake Tigers a$$!!! You kill 'em Dorsey!!! btw, I wouldnt mind a Tyson punch or two on Cox, as long as he doesnt weep..:hihi:
The Colts have always had the best offense, but it was their defense that cost them championships. I say the Colts win against the Pats in the...
:dis: I usually dont call names so...
4 first round picks, first overall pick, 2 top 6 players. Top overall player in the nation. #1 rated Player in the nation (also #1 rated QB), #1...
No harm!:thumb:
That's the magic word.:thumb: Wouldnt mind is not equal to calling for something to happen.
See, thats when education helps. I said I wouldnt mind a QB change this time of the season, I dint say bench Flynn. If I said bench Flynn, thats...
What you're saying is right. But my post was in response to 'they are kids.' All Im saying is criticizing a player is not wrong, calling a player...
A couple of bad throws is always alright, but when its all bad throws and a couple of nice throws, its rediculous. The only reason that some of...
Did I call anyone names? Calling anybody names whoever that person is, is always wrong? thats not something new...but crticizing senior players is...
I had a thread that was deleted for an unknown reason...but anyway.. They are not kids, they're athletes that are playing at a top school to get...
Did you see the facemask???
:lol: :lol: :lol:
Could it be OrlandoTrojan??:hihi: JK:thumb:
Tommy Casanova was a first team ALL CENTURY in a list I've seen a while ago.
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
CS, you are a TRUE Tiger!!:hihi: