Mucho trutho there chapo. Pops always said them country darkies were not like those city negga tigers.
I just hope this doesn't affect our recruiting.
David Duke would've said, "Nigger."
Podna, you can be my wingman ANY time.
When these two black cops shot and killed a 6 year old, strapped in a car seat, took five bullets in the head and chest, were any cawks screaming...
The point of contention will be that the officer took the gun out of his pocket, after. BUT, if the big ol buck was trying to reach for it, it's...
NOT once did we see Caucasoids ransacking, plundering, and looting. Even with Katrina these negga tigers showed their stripes. We need to put 'em...
This non-caucasion was a pedophile with 19 arrests who owed $25,000 in back child support. It's a wonder how his wife thought he was any semblance...
He's no fool. Doesn't want the rioters to burn his shit down. Doesn't want the cops up his ass.
BIG, is right. I know a thing or two about BIG.
Yeah I knew. That's why I said it was funny.
I'm wondering how other feel about her as a running mate? What do you think? Yeah or neigh? Bengal, I corrected your spelling of her name but...
That's not completely accurate. Maybe better stated as nothing criminal. Aside from the cover-up lie about the film - blaming mob violence...
I like schlitz.
I've never had 3 year old fish either. peww weee.
Snot looking too good for Trumpster right now. He'll "Cruz" on to victory.
I like it both ways. I must be high yella.
Oilfield trash and proud of it.
Nice one.