Do grapes. Grapes are purple. :thumb:
Just when I was starting to get my appetite back! They must have some hard evidence that leads them to this arrest. I can't see them doing it...
Starting to remind me of the Dallas Police in November of 1963....
Had to rep this one. :rofl:
Just an example of what is on ESPN, SI, CBS and FoxSports sites. And it releases the name of the witness, which was redacted from the BRPD...
Eyewitness saw LSU's Jordan Jefferson kick man in face - NCAA Football -
Was thinking the same thing....
I wonder if this is the blonde seen in the video?
Police release LSU fight incident report - WAFB Channel 9, Baton Rouge, LA |
Wow - this really is the "summer of our discontent". (Sorry, Will.)
Wasn't it said somewhere earlier that JJ wore his slippers when he went out? Just curious.
Not worried about Marines. What you've stated above is true. I am worried about the average idiot out there who thinks the Marines need his (or...
Yeah - just read a lot more of their garbage than I needed to - any chance JJ has someone really out to hurt him? I wonder if he's taking any...
what about it? Didn't see much there. Just the usual idiots showing their fine minds at work. Bunch of morons.
WAFB Channel 9, Baton Rouge, LA | - Baton Rouge news, weather and sports - WAFB TV
I heard he got a charge of sodomy reduced to "Following too close". Now DAT is a lawyer!
Better be above board in trying to "reach an agreement" with the "victims". We've got enough NCAA scrutiny - far more than we wanted....
Yeah - BUT - can they implicate the Athletic Dept? It wasn't a "team function" sponsored by the University. The players "broke curfew" after...
This is the disappointing part - There's no way for a player to "win" in this sort of a tussle. :(
Any of y'all old enough to remember the last NFL players' strike? It sucked. I really hope they get it settled without losing part of the...