Pre-season, anyone here would of been satisfied with that.
It gets worse, someone tried telling me yesterday that the republicans can control hurricanes. This guy even told me that we have the technology...
Whoever found him in that bunker shoulda shot his ass and saved the money and time of a trial. That piece of .... doesn't deserve to enjoy my...
If your in or near Houma, check out 1921 Seafood on Barrow Street. Best Seafood in houma.
Timeouts? When LSU got down to scoring distance, why didn't Tenn just let them score? Save the timeouts and some clock for a final drive?...
Aren't we use to getting the short end of the stick by the zebra's. Screw'em I say we won playing 11 against 16+
I'd like to see anyone here play on the road against a top 10 ranked team in front of 100k people and not make a couple mistakes. If everything...
Caught the scroller on ESPN once, Joe Horn, and a few others that are questionable... if I recall correctly
Be kinda nice if we are down at the half and come out in the second half and kick TENN ass. Esp with this game meaning so much to both teams. TEN...
JR loose in the secondary... first time I ever seen that!
I don't know who's worse Verne and CBS or ESPN... Gotta love the MUTE button...
Anyone else concerned about the injuries the Saints got going into this game with TB?
Just think, she's the one that is at the top of the pyramid.
Just root for LSU... computers suck, we need a playoff system in College Football
St Judes is a wonderful place. My cousin's son had some rare form of cancer at the age of 4. The doctors gave him 6 months to live. They tried...
Are you like 15 years old? Gimmie a break.... You supposed to make women feel like a Queen, not treat them like a piece of meat. Atleast you will...
Well, the Heat got spanked like a who....on bourbon street for $5 last nite. The bulls looked pretty impressive. Was good to see a highlight on...
yep, I asked my dad and confirmed that....
Just heard about this on WWL radio. Pretty said when you gotta threaten mom with legal action for using pics of you in her campaign. When Drew was...
Ya'll know that Phil Simms use to work for Haliburton out of Houma, La. He worked on my dads cement crew back in the 80's. My dad was his boss and...