That long response, was it in response to my question, cause if it was, I never had the chance to see it. If it wasn't, I would still like a...
Martin I would like to know, you live in New York, and have stated that you were not too far from the World Trade center. When both towers were...
I have seen it all now, it's not enough that progress in this country, is halted for such things as snail darters and spotted owls, but now we...
Quote: Originally posted by olVENICEdog Rickyd, I don't think we know each other, so imagine my surprise, when you started telling my life...
She must have had a ton of cosmetic surgery, because I remember back when she was defending slick willie so vigorously, she was really, really...
And you're too stupid to realize that the way you phrased this attempt at a put down, actually means, you hear the term fudge packer quite...
You got some cheese to go with that whine? LOOSER! HA HA
You must be head of the fudge packers union there, huh? :thumb: "LOOSER" :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: How about LOSER, moron. I also liked...
The message was loud and clear! America rejects socialism. America rejects the politically correct speech police. America rejects Michael...
Do you think it took kerry so long to concede, because he had to wait till the U.N. observers confirmed his defeat? :rofl:
Divorce? Hell no, he's a loser, but he's not stupid. :hihi:
I seem to remember the Democrats made a huge deal out of the fact that Bob Dole was a sitting senator while running for President, and he...
You would be perfect, if you were'nt so damn modest. :thumb:
Where have you heard that before, maybe your wedding reception, from some Oregon boys? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
I'm with you, I'm at a total loss as to how these people think, especially New York. They were attacked by terrorist while Clinton was in office,...
Now you have gone and ruined my mental image of "ole venice dog". I pictured him from Venice La. with his white rubber, Chalmette Reeboks on,...
"Dam" Rather was the best, at one point he said, if you are just waking up and joining us, John Kerry still has a chance to take Ohio. :hihi: At...
How stupid are you? Saban FAn is making fun of your stupidity, and you're too stupid to get it. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: You accused him of being a...
I don't know, but I hope it's a "Good'un". :thumb: Imbecile.
Don't panick just yet, you have to remember that most republicans vote after work. :wink: