I shall never question the word of RAMAH again. You da man!! GEAUX TIGAHS!!!!!!!!!!! Give em hell in the smack forum!!
This was a dream come true for me, my father who graduated from LSU in1956 has been waiting so long for this to happen. He, like LSU never gave...
You damn skippy!!!!!!
LSU dominating!! Need better special team play. No offense for Zero u.
Simply put, it's TIGERTIME !!!
ACC officials voted number 1 by the media!
Can someone give me 7 seconds?
Can K-State do it? I think not. One minute left with 90 yards to go. Nah, no way.
Yeah, it actually is bad. Defeats the purpose of the term "number 1" and what the BCS and NCAA have strived to provide the fans with. That was the...
Any large samples would be appreciated!!
Yep, Snoop is the one who knows football.
Yeah I heard him make several bad calls as well. Like I said, he don't know shit about football!! :geaux: :geaux:
That's fuggin funny!! Guess Peterless just cut out what he didn't like.
Well put LSUBud !! I've listened to that jackass for thirty years and I have always come away from each experience with the same impression, Kieth...
Classless Peterless should be keel hauled by the BCS authority for making those statements. He signed an agreement with the BCS to support the BCS...
I needed to move up a notch anyway!
I have forbidden all of my family members to purchase anything that is advertised during the Sugar Bowl, b/c I feel the best way to get ABC's head...
He's still a biased piece of sh$t in my book!
Now that the Rose Bowl is over, do you guys still feel the same way about Jackson?
What is ashamed is that there will be no repercussions for the way Peterless Carol handled it as well as the ABC commentators. Piss poor job all...