Was saying fuc'er. No chance he comes back right?
Matt Barkley said he didn't even watch the game saying I won't miss much.. Koky f'r. Other news Houston on upset alert!!
If anyone says the Notebook my boy Red will ban you. I have 2 The Natural and Collateral
I fed a few to some pigs and kept the poop in a safety deposit box at B of A in Metairie.
Those commercials with willy Nelson or Sarah mcglocklyn singing while they show poor little kids 3rd world countries suffering kill me. It makes...
Uncle Ben my ninja!
Since this game doesn't really matter do you think LSU rest it's starters? That being said we still win 28-6!!! No but on the real I hope we blast...
Why u so upset what did I say?
Why in hell would the black players respect the Dixie flag? Isn’t it the same flag that the KKK waves around? I feel sorry for you’re backwards...
Nice post! I do a lot of volunteering my self. I was wondering if you had a specific person in mind? And what type of volunteering do you...
he likes men thats why CNN didnt give him a job.
To bad my reply was nixed regarding yeah dawg and ADD hopefully some of you had the chance to read it. It is fun taking little jabs at each other...
Nice spin on a bad situation. I like your POV! Does this forum have a post of the year contest?
Nice post man! The best player on the best team should win. He will move into the top 3 with a big game watch!
Did somebody knock over your beercan Xmas tree this morning? I tried to be nice to you and your sister and her kids but you just don't get it. You...
U look like a gay Bruce Lee wanna-B. You are banned from posting on my threads. Don't come back here till after the GA game and if you keep it up...
OK fella go fix yourself a tv dinner and play with your toy cars little baby.
Cotiger king of one word REPLY talking about A game Haha! Your momma so fat she sits on her front porch eating string cheese talking about occupy...
Jeez why don't you just tell me how U feel. I didn't want to say anything but you have a problem flip flopping everything you say. One second its...
Hey don't be so surprised buddy. Sometimes we get excited and it's ok to express those feelings! A wise man once said bring me the son of gerell...