That would be the common sense thing to do, wouldn't it? But for some reason, people in Washington, DC, are just smarter and better than everyone...
That's their standard rhetoric nowadays. It's funny that, after two years after his election, he hasn't done enough that they can point to as...
As do I, but they've had opportunities to do so in the past and did not, or hobnobbed over who got to vote no. Some of them are fairly moderate...
I'm voting for Vitter. Though he's had his name trashed because of the DC Madam scandal, I generally agree with the way he votes. I know some...
I'm guessing here, but probably as good as coming down if you jump up.
From living in America through the last four years, I'm not really surprised. I can't wait until we start moving them all out, no matter what...
Yeah, but I'm not good for much afterwards:wave:
some folks just call me....jim
I sure did. I guess I've been reading Tuberville's comments too much and believe they are a defunct conference.
Both articles sound very encouraging. Now if there could be someone talking about this like Stud...
And we're all very glad you did.
I agree with the ranking, and I think the article was an OK assessment. I have a problem with the idiotic picture. I know he's caught the ball...
After last year, 16th seems fair. I'm really glad that half the conference is in the top 25 though. Maybe everybody can shut up about the Big...
I almost fell out of chair on that one. I vote for it because I want to see something replace the Stanford Tree as the worst mascot of all time.
How could you be so base? HE is is own grandpa:thumb:
And cheap T-shirts
That's why I keep it simple with just the LSU logo or Louisiana State University. Simple, Obvious, and not gay
How original. Did you stay up all night thinking that gem up or did you hear it while engaging in a referee congratulation party?
I think a lot of it has to do with many people sitting through the previous season and wanting an immediate fix. Plus, JJ showed great promise in...