Not impressed with what I saw against offense with talent. The Miss State game is not a measuring stick.
UGA Bama UT AU Tie LSU Tie
Re: LSU #11 - Week 6 Polls - Coaches' out IF LSU can get it's defense together we will have no problem makig a late charge in the polls. It...
I never thought BP was a good hire and don't like what I see. Really could give a rats a** what happened in Nebraska in 200?. It doesn't appear...
Brodie Croyle = Wins
We have had bad coaching in 2 games not 1. Just because you win doesn't mean you coached a good game. LSU defense is last in total defense....
I really don't care who he talked to. This team is underperforming and yes I made that observation after 2 games. BP's defense was supposed to be...
Nope. I never was sold on this staff. I expected two losses this year and now have raised that number to 4. And the same mediocore crap for a...
Maybe just before they come back out and get out coached. And sit on the lead.
No Tenn did not move up on the Rivals list and as far as Clausen if we win the game he and the flag sticker do nothing and we are gloating over...
2nd dumb call
What the hell kinda question was I read your lips and it looked like you were saying :Where is my wife" before the game Dumbest call yet
Fans have to have something to cheer about
I was there and saw him plant in in hte ground and even told the person next to me to lookat that. It wasn't there long but it was there.
Just remember the game he said ler r rip OU got beat. That comment never impressed me. He should have sent Larry the plumber to say Get r done
Any team that can throw a quick slant can beat us. Preseason ranking mean nothing unless you are in the NC picture
Funnt you should bring this up. At the spring game several people I was with saw mistakes being made on the punting team and nothing being said....
None. Saban did not run from this train wreck. This was basically created with the new coaching staff.
Conditioning was questioned by many after fan day when players were walking or jogging slowly back to the huddle, hands on hips etc. This team...
Sorry brother BUT this IS NOT a rookie coaching staff.