The guys defending Biden for molesting his own daughter, but saying it’s ok because the diary was stolen, are the same Justice-seekers here....
Yes. Let’s band together and sue the Chinese government. So you are saying 100% that this virus didn’t come from a lab leak? That it came from...
At least you and Martin agree that paying whores isn’t a big deal.
Well, yeah, but that’s what the trial is for. What you’re saying is that you refuse to accept the results of a vote of the people
Theres 23 pages in this thread. Will you link the post you’re referencing? Thanks in advance
It’s kind of strange that this is included in a plea deal if there’s nothing there.
Just his daughter. But it’s ok, because that diary was stolen. So it’s ok that he did it
I’m still failing to understand how she was raped if she wasn’t raped. This is like peak TDS and these idiots are going to cause some kind of...
Well, I guess since everyone is innocent until proven guilty, no one has committed a crime. Or maybe the FBI will just say that they’ll recommend...
And then he did what?
He and Hillary are so alike, it’s cute
I’m sorry, I’m having a hard time dropping this. Not because of trump, but because of what this can come to mean for anyone. Calling someone a...
Did he beat the cameras with a hammer?
Considering that the judge did not elaborate on this new meaning of rape, it’s hard to understand just exactly what he is referring to as rape
Rex has raped my eyes. so we’re just making up things now? Got it. Hard to take it serious at this point.
It’s wild what the propaganda machine has pumped out. But I suspect Tiger NC will come in and say that the republicans made up its contents, and...
You sound mad lol
Wait, I thought Tiger NC and Rex said the informant wasn’t real. I’m confused now.
Martin’s right about the opposites thing. Remember when the democrats shit all over “trumps vaccine” and said there’s no way it could be safe?...
All the while draining the US of money and pulling a reverse Cuban missile crisis.