I'm beginning to think he is a gump fan who has learned to read.
Wow what a drop we had
I just need to only read this first line to know you are obsessed and yes delusional. Just go and compare bryant's record to miles, and I'm not...
By who? You ? If he is known for being wrong all the time then why is he still commenting and still on the air? Why hasn't someone given him...
http://247sports.com/Season/2017-Football/CompositeTeamRankings actually we are now number 5 so still moving up from the last I checked
Just checking isn't our class currently #6 even with all the coaching changes? Damn that horrible coach O for f-ing up the recruiting class
Nope just not delusional and still obsessed with a coach that has wasted talent. Who by the way even a lower tier team like houston or prudue...
knee pads must be getting worn out.
Sad thing is miles or almost any coach could have had multiple with the talent we had for the last several years. Just take your hands off the O...
Gotta be some good stuff he is smoking
If they get the sanctions that it sounds like might be coming, he can win all he wants and then no possibly bowl games. That might suck.
Damn almost looked like I knew what I was talking about
It's like European women not shaving their pits or walking around topless, cultural thing I'm sure. How culturally insensitive of the IT guys.
There isn't really anything scandalous to see. That being said I wouldn't recommend doing opening it just in case. You know how touchy people...
How does one prefect aiming like that? Above everything that is the most impressive. The last guy with the balloon between his knees has...
Yea I know, I was wishing for a Christmas miracle
Might get a carpel tunnel.....its a bitch man
Just wondering but didn't he get insurance out on his knees at the end of last year? Or was that internet bs?
also take the gumps down a peg or two, and maybe some NCAA violations would be cool
he'll be riding pine behind brennan any way. Look for him to transfer in 2 years