What about Ukraine and Russia?

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by Winston1, Feb 13, 2022.

  1. rockwallfan

    rockwallfan Founding Member

    Nov 24, 2008
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    Not true. Misinformation. Hitlers nazism was far right wing. Look up definition. Go no further than that. You can’t change facts because they’re inconvenient to your argument.
  2. Rex

    Rex Founding Member

    Aug 28, 2002
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    I love the whole "Abraham Lincoln was a Republican, and he freed the slaves" angle.... as though the past 60 years of American history don't mean a thing.
  3. Kikicaca

    Kikicaca Meaux

    Sep 4, 2016
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    Hitler didn't believe in the second amendment, was for what's good for the collective, was for top down total government control, hated Jews like the DEMOCRAT KKK and racist Louis Farrakhan, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson and Rev Jeremiah Wright (all DEMOCRATS BTW). Hitler believed in the master race theory like the KKK which was started by DEMOCRATS and like todays DEMOCRATS are for critical race theory which they are trying to put into our kids schools. Hitler was anti religion. He followed occult movements like Arisophy. Hitler like today's radical environmentalist equated nature and the cosmos as God. He worshiped the creations not God. Hitler was for government control of newspapers and media which today's DEMOCRATS control save for a few which they are trying to ban or put out of business. Hitler was a socialist like the modern day DEMOCRAT PARTY, NAZI= National Socalist German Workers Party.

    Your argument is weak and without facts heir Rockhead. Post to heir Rexie he will agree with everything you say.

    Want more?

    10 principles of Nazi ideology
    While Nazi ideology was open to interpretation and changed over time, it held firm to a number of core values and beliefs. The following 10 principles were a consistent feature of Nazi ideology:

    1. Authoritarianism

    The Nazis desired strong government and extensive state power. They believed the Nazi state could not function effectively if it lacked the means to impose its will and enforce its policies. Decisions were to be made by a leader with almost absolute power (a Fuhrer). All political authority and sovereignty rested with this leader, who should be trusted by the people to make important decisions on their behalf (Fuhrerprinzip). No political parties or organisations other than the NSDAP could be tolerated. Other groups with political influence, such as unions or churches, would be either restricted or abolished.

    2. Totalitarianism

    To the Nazis, state power had few limits and extended into all aspects of German political, social and cultural life. They believed it was the government’s duty not just to devise policy but to shape, coordinate and regulate society for the betterment of the nation. A totalitarian government must have the power to control the press and unions, restrict civil liberties, manage education and employ propaganda. Liberal freedoms from government power – such as civil liberties, individual rights and freedoms – were considered irrelevant and subordinate to the interests of the state.

    3. Nationalism

    Nazism was chiefly a nationalist ideology. It was concerned only with Germany and its interests: restoring the German economy, achieving economic self-sufficiency, rebuilding its military, acquiring territory and providing for the German people. The Nazis had little interest in forming or improving international relationships, other than to advance German interests. They detested diplomacy and despised multilateral groups like the League of Nations. Hitler and his followers had no intention of honouring or abiding by existing foreign treaties or negotiating new ones, except where it might help fulfil their own objectives.

    4. Militarism

    Hitler and his followers believed that re-arming and expanding Germany’s armed forces was essential for the defence of the nation. Rearmament was carried out in defiance of the restrictions imposed by the Treaty of Versailles. Hitler considered military strength essential for expanding the German state. The organisation and culture of the NSDAP were fundamentally militaristic. This was evidenced by the size and popularity of the party’s paramilitary groups: the Sturmabteilung (SA) and Schutzstaffel (SS).

    5. Expansionism

    Hitler and the Nazis dreamed of unifying the German-speaking Aryan peoples of Europe into a greater German state. To achieve this, Hitler believed his regime would need to acquire lebensraum, or ‘living space’, to accommodate the needs of the new Germany. This living space would be seized from the non-Aryan people of eastern Europe, from countries like Czechoslovakia, Poland and Russia. The first step to creating a greater Germany would be to achieve Anschluss: the union of Germany and Austria.

    6. A ‘third way

    The horrors of World War I and the Great Depression saw many people reject existing political and economic systems, such as parliamentary democracy and capitalism. Socialism emerged as one alternative – but both Nazism and fascism considered themselves ‘third-way’ ideologies, or alternatives to both democracy and socialism. Hitler was famously hostile to democracy, which he considered a weak and indecisive form of government, too prone to interference and infiltration by destructive forces. He also despised communism, regarding it as a Jewish invention to enslave non-Jewish races.

    7. Economic sovereignty

    Economic power, prosperity and self-sufficiency were priorities for the NSDAP. The Nazis sought the creation of jobs for unemployed Germans, the restoration of national prosperity, the recovery of industrial production and the rearming of the military. They believed the role of the state was to manage the economy, dictating what should be produced, allocating resources and managing labour. Unemployment would be dealt with by putting the unemployed to work for the benefit of the state. The Nazis had no objection to the private ownership of capital, provided these capitalists were willing to meet government priorities (and provided they were not Jewish).

    8. Traditional values

    Conservative traditions were a strong feature of Nazi ideology. The Nazis often painted themselves as a new movement but they also promoted traditional values. Hitler frequently spoke of protecting long-standing German values, including Christian beliefs and volkisch connections to the land. He often harked back to the 19th century, when Germany was ruled by men of steel like Otto von Bismarck and German society was relatively untroubled by disruptive influences like socialism, liberalism, democracy and women’s rights.

    9. Racial theories

    Their dark obsession with race separated Hitler and the Nazis from many other fascist and nationalist groups. The Nazis considered Aryans – those of Nordic heritage, with blonde hair and blue eyes – Europe’s ‘master race’. According to Nazi racial theories, Aryans were physically stronger, intellectually advanced and more culturally gifted than other European races. The Nazis considered races like Jews, Slavs and Romany to be untermensch (‘inferior men’). The Nazis embraced the pseudo-science of eugenics, that claimed society could be improved by adopting policies of ‘genetic hygiene’, such as the compulsory sterilisation or euthanasia of the mentally ill or disabled.

    10. Volksgemeinschaft

    Translating as ‘people’s community’, Volksgemeinschaft did not originate with the Nazis. Instead, it came from the difficult years of World War I. The principle of volksgemeinschaft was that all Germans should unite and work together to reduce differences in class, wealth and standards of living. In reality, the Nazis had no interest in this kind of levelling or social unity – yet volksgemeinschaft figured heavily in NSDAP propaganda. This gave the impression that Nazism was a cohesive and unifying movement.
    Last edited: Apr 9, 2022
  4. Winston1

    Winston1 Founding Member

    Sep 5, 2010
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    Kiki Hitler formed the Nazi party to be opposition to the communists who were threatening to take control of the Weimar Republic. He was supported by the German army and right wing industrialists.
    He certainly wasn’t a democrat in any shape form or fashion. Truth is there is little significant difference between totalitarians. Their objective is control and suppression of freedom in any way that increases their power. Likewise neither can be credibly compared to either current democrats or republicans. You and @Rex attempts to slander current political parties like this is childish fascicle and ridiculous. Please stop and grow up.
    rockwallfan likes this.
  5. LSUpride123

    LSUpride123 PureBlood

    Oct 20, 2008
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    Go virtue signal elsewhere. Dude is right. They just let you register to vote to make you feel better.
  6. Winston1

    Winston1 Founding Member

    Sep 5, 2010
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    You’re worse than anyone else on this forum; just a nihilist with a black soul. I’m right when I save the best of you rolled down your mother’s leg when you were conceived. Go peddle you negativity somewhere else.
    rockwallfan likes this.
  7. rockwallfan

    rockwallfan Founding Member

    Nov 24, 2008
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    Blah blah blah. as i said...misinformation to outright lies.
  8. Kikicaca

    Kikicaca Meaux

    Sep 4, 2016
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    I know he was in opposition to communists but who cares? Facts are facts. Right wing industrialist? WTF you talking about? Industrialist are for making money they could care less about which party in in control unless they are afraid of the party that's in control and don't want to get fleeced which is what DEMOCRATS and some Rino's do to American companies. The most successful big companies are Amazon, Google, Twitter and Facebook and guess what they are all left wing and all are anti free speech and try to silence conservatives. You are the biggest hypocrite not only here but as a hypocrite you have international potential. You grow up and once again quit trying to pass yourself off as something you are not which is a conservative or even a centrist.

    Guess you chose not to read or ignored what I posted because. Everything I posted I got from the internet and what I posted is facts. Sorry if you are embarrassed you are in with a party Hitler would be comfortable in. Hell even JFK would not be welcome in your shitty vile America destroying party.

  9. Kikicaca

    Kikicaca Meaux

    Sep 4, 2016
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    Guess the internet lies. Blah is all you have as a comeback? It is because you, Rex and Winston are useful idiots for the DEMOCRAT PARTY.
  10. LSUpride123

    LSUpride123 PureBlood

    Oct 20, 2008
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    Ahh yea, your moral character is so high you are fighting for……. Wait………

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