Link: And then they had to go and say something ugly about CLM. Why don't we just start calling him "Rodney" and get it over with? What does he have to do?
Dont worry about it. The perception out there is what it is. Les Miles has made some very bold calls and to the taking heads that means he is making mistakes. I call it magic! Just enjoy the ride.
I have decided that I will not get upset with the perception that CLM is a dumb/lucky coach until Carr retires and Michigan decides to hire someone who is "smarter". For now, I think the perception that CLM isn't good works for us. Once I feel that he's safe at LSU for a while, I'll start to get PO'd on his behalf.
What gets to me is that anytime a team loses, it's "Fire the Coach", so why not celebrate a victory as a victory? When did the media start assigning "blame" for a win? While I'm ranting about the media, I'll throw in my other peeve: The media seems to want every event to be about the media, not about the event. They create a ton of distraction and then gripe because the team appears "unfocused". Like our game last week. Reminds me of the old joke about the Doctor, architect and lawyer arguing over who had the oldest profession. The doctor said, "God took a rib from Adam and made Eve. That's surgery, so medicine is the oldest profession." The architect said, "Yes, but the first part of the Bible said that In the beginning was Chaos, and from Chaos God created Heaven and Earth. That means that architecture was the oldest profession." The lawyer just laughed and laughed and said, "Where do you think the Chaos came from?" The media makes the weather, then stands out there whining because it's raining! The story should be what happens on the field, not in the studios. End of rant. ldskule: