Rumsfeld LIES again!!

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by Tom, Sep 24, 2002.

  1. Tom

    Tom Founding Member

    Sep 24, 2002
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    Donald Rumsfeld was asked point blank whether he knew if al Qaeda was involved with Saddam Hussein's Iraq. He said "yes". That is quite amazing since both British intelligence and American intelligence say exactly the opposite. There is NO EVIDENCE OR HINT OF EVIDENCE that Saddam Hussein has had any connection with al Qaeda at all. In fact, the part of northern Iraq where al Qaeda has had a presence is in the hands of the Kurdish rebels, his enemies. Hmmm, seems like old Rumsfeld has taken quite the lesson in gross fabrication from his boss, Sapling.
  2. Tom

    Tom Founding Member

    Sep 24, 2002
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    First, it is not naive to believe that al Qaeda and Hussein have no association at all. It is the truth. NO ONE has even come close to connecting them. Both US intelligence and British intelligence say there is NO connection. Only a demagogue like Rumsfeld would try to con the American people into believing otherwise. If you can't convince people with evidence, just cook the books -- is that what this country has come to?

    Second, Saddam Hussein has NEVER used chemical weapons on his own people. He has used them against the Iranians and the Kurds, both enemies. Are you honestly trying to tell me that the US hasn't used similar weapons to kill masses of people in their battles. I will remind you of two atomic bombs dropped on Japanese cities and the use of the defoliant Agent Orange that ANYONE knew was going to do more than retard plant growth. That is laughable to condemn Hussein for fighting wars with similar weapons that the US have already used.

    Oh, and chemical and biological weapons are not going to kill a "million or more people". Not to say that 5 wouldn't be too many, but hyperbole does nothing to further your argument. Also, I realize that the Sapling administration never seems to worry about principles such as proving that people have committed wrongdoings or that sovereign nations have a right to have their own leaders, but to try to fabricate stories about Hussein makes the US the terrorist nation. In fact, Europeans nations are saying that right now in polls, and Al Gore is exactly right. Most of the world is not concerned about what the terrorists will do, but that this insane leadership in the White House will determine one day that their country has "unacceptable leadership." Then, they will be the target of Sapling's goosestepping across the world.

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