well, well, well…. i actually thought this would be the ‘24 presidential campaign issue but no….. https://www.politico.com/ The Supreme Court has voted to strike down Roe v. Wade, according to an initial draft majority opinion written by Justice Samuel Alito and obtained by POLITICO. “We hold that Roe and Casey must be overruled,” Alito writes….
This might be the leak of the century. Confirmed by Roberts to be true. At least the leak happened when we are feeling so united as a country.
By the same illogic I read in this Scalito draft, for the sake of consistency the Court should also overturn Loving v. Virginia. And Obergefell. And Griswold. Women have no constitutional right to birth control, either, according to this bullshit.
For support of his decision Scalito relied heavily upon the rulings of a 17th century British judge who ruled that there can be no such thing as marital rape and who ruled that women should be executed for witchcraft. Need any further evidence that this Court is perverted by misogynists? It's a handmaid's tale.
I feed off the left’s misery and agony. I want more…..their suffering should be great as we march hard right.
That won't happen. There will be blowback. Only by a perverse quirk of American structure did this misogynist ruling ever happen, and you probably don't know much history but in western societies liberalism always triumphs.