1. OSU (55) 2. LSU (1) 3. UO (2) 4. OU (2) 5. KU 6. WVU 7. Mizzou 8. BC 9. ASU 10. UGA 11. VT 12. Hawaii 13. Michigan 14. Texas 15. USC 16. UCONN 17. Auburn 18. Florida 19. Boise 20. Clemson 21. Virginia 22. UK 23. Alabama 24. Tenn 25. PSU http://sports.yahoo.com/ncaaf/news?slug=txcoachpoll&prov=st&type=lgns :LSU231:
Re: LSU #2 in Coaches Poll! Great news, but did you see that we are only a FEW points ahead of Oregon? If we and Oregon win next week, they could move ahead of us in this poll, at least. Need to beat LaTech by about 48 and allow less than 100 yds defensively. Style points will matter to the voters! ldskule:
Re: LSU #2 in Coaches Poll! They don't have a hard oponent left on their schedule, not to mention they don't play a championship game. We however will have a tough Arkansas team coming in here (close to or over 500 rushing on USCe) We play well and win and we will open up the gap again.
Re: LSU #2 in Coaches Poll! If Kansas wins out... they jump us. I'm not really worried about Oregon because they don't play a championship game. Next Week: Geaux Mizzou!!
Re: LSU #2 in Coaches Poll! just a couple of observations: 1. Kansas can't beat Missou and OU, both of whom they'd have to play 2. OSU will lose to Michigan
Re: LSU #2 in Coaches Poll! Mizzou is in a couple weeks, not next. and if not them, i feel OU can take care of that for us
Re: LSU #2 in the AP! i really thought oregon might pass lsu just because they seem to be the flavor of the week. that margin is way to close for comfort.
Re: LSU #2 in Coaches Poll! i am going from memory, which isn't always the best, but i think that kansas plays oklahoma state next week. oklahoma state thrashed nebraska also. geaux pokes!!!!
Re: LSU #2 in the AP! #2 and 5 first place voted. We're still seeing much love, despite much of what i am hearing.