Well now I had to go to Google and I'm not impressed. The only other coach that has a resume to discuss, undefeated, and in top 10 besides any coach mentioned is Mike Riley. I don't know about him. Let's talk Peterson.
Dana Holgorsen this guy is a freaking douche. This is about the only thing I remember from when we beat west virgina a while back. Man their fans are pricks and their coach is a douche bag! I would take jimbo over this guy. Personally I am starting to feel like Eaux is our best choice. He might not be the 100% best coach out there but I think he has learned from his mistakes at ole piss, will surround himself with great assistant coaches, and will out recruit anyone in the college ranks.
That's really the recipe for success. Recruit the best players, hire the best assistants money can buy, then stay out of their way and let them do their fucking jobs.