back on topic: 1. Rammer Jammer 2. Gator Chomp 3.:wave: Used to be that damn FSU chant, but strange, it doesnt seem to bother me now that they're kinda insignifigent :lol:
I actually see it as something that has filtered down from the NFL. 15 years ago we started seeing the dancing, taunting, what I call unsportsmanlike conduct in the the same time, the kids who were playing in the "pee-wee leagues" and dreaming of the NFL saw the same thing. AS did those kids who didn't have a prayer of playing any Div. of college football or even make a high school team. BUT, when I consider that I have to weigh it against soccer fans fighting in the stands and you very rarely see unsportsmanlike conduct on the soccer fields. Hell, this is leading into a socio-behavioral conversation...sorry.
For me it begins and ends with Rocky Top. Why they play it so many times and dont play anything else us beyond me. Not to mention it is not even their song.
Yeah... but Im a big enough braves fan to not place it in my top ten [MEDIA][/MEDIA] I agree with terryp that Rocky Top is by far the worst.
They can name it what they want, it's still I've been working on the railroad. I totally forgot about eATMe and their goofy hand signals and swaying crowds and lethal bon fires.
Well I had the extreme displeasure of attending the UK game this year and managed to come away with a whole brand new set of annoyances that I previously did not even know existed. For starters they chant, "C-A-T-S cats cats cats", over and over. Hey Kentucky, the Jets called and they want their cheer back. Then their stadium announcers yells, "The gain is good" after like ever play. That doesn't even make sense. Oh, their fans really sucked too. When they weren't doing their stupid Jets chant they would just flip you off. Real creative guys. Not one offer of food or beer the whole day. I actually had a better time in Starkville. I never thought I would ever say that.
That's the one. That dirge-like monotonous noise is like the freakin' Ever Ready bunny. It goes on and on and on... 1st runner-up: Lou Holtz. ESPN really needs to lose this guy. It's embarassing to watch.
1. Rammer jammer bammer whatever the heck it bammer friend sings it every time I talk to him. (But I fixed that....I taught his 5 year old son 'hey fightin tigers) 2. The ever so popular Rocky top. 3. Boomer sooner blah blah blah... 4. Whatever personality Auburn is going with at the particular moment. 5. Anything associated with USC. I used to hate the gator chomp, but after beating them this year and doing it to taunt them....its not too bad
1) Boomer Sooner.....Hearing their fans do it all the time even makes it worse 2) WOO Pig .........who actually cheers on a piglet? 3)UGA......bad boy leroy brown?? maybe back in the 70's 4)Texas.......I have been working on the railroad... ok for pee-wee fb 5) mentioned early depends on what mood they are in 6)USC......but it did sound better than keith jackson's announcing them there are a few more to list but there is my most annoyed