You really can't see the similarities, can you? You both have a rich man living rent free in your heads.
No..furduckfush is just obsessed & likely homo as well. Rex is mad because the Commie Slutbag lost. Plus @furduknfish is not rich. Those are 2 very differs re went things. While he's a child, I have a Stalker issue.
I was taljing about Miles you moron. Justs as Rex is obsessed with Trump hate you are obsessed with Miles love. But I'm not a psychiatrist and I didn't stay in a Holiday Inn Express last. You might want to bring that topic up in your next group therapy meeting.
There is no obsession on my part, just respect for the incredible resume he Amassed while coaching here. BTW, this boards seem obsessed with: 1. Meds & 2. Psychiatric help. Bunch of dope smokin, pill popping Cajuns up in here..