Very true; to be able to get this done, not only this quickly, but with this strong a hire, should make a positive impression on the top defensive guys who have us on the list.
Here is an older article that takes a very in depth look at some of his defensive philosophy. Some might find it interesting. Deals with defending the zone read.
I like this hire. He's coming from the weak Big 10 but those defensive stats are still impressive. Very impressive. This might be the asst. hire Miles needed to get this team back to elite status. I'm more optimistic A.A than I was B.A.
I'm surprised we were able to get this done. I think this is a great hire and may be just what Miles needed.
Well it gets us to where we're losing 13-10 to Bama vs 31-17. It's a start. Still up to stubborn Les to see if he can score 24 on Bama.