Just How Good of a Job is Saban Really Doing?

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by clair, Nov 10, 2007.

  1. TigerBait3

    TigerBait3 Guest

    I have tried to make this point in this thread, and while most here say they are sick of the debates, it is funny how it turns back to it. And fishhead is a good guy, and do not mean to throw him into that "other" group.
  2. K_Jay

    K_Jay Founding Member

    Aug 16, 2004
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    There is one thing that Saban has over every other coach, it's called "the process". Only he knows the secrets of "the process". Will it ever be revealed to his many followers in gump land ? His many believers who follow him blindly. Warning, Dont drink the coolaid!

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  3. SpringTiger

    SpringTiger Founding Member

    Sep 5, 2003
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    Who knows he isn't going to be good? I think most believe he will be good. Just many, many, people believe he will be good but not great - and, therefore, not worth all the $$$ he's being paid.
  4. TigerBait3

    TigerBait3 Guest

    Why, he has brought in more money than any university could ask for. They have already proven the money was worth it whether he is successful on the field or not.

    (Waiting for response on what happens when he goes 4-12)...yawn. You realize Ferentz is making next year, dont you?
  5. Lprimo

    Lprimo Pimpin Aint Easy

    Nov 19, 2006
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    Pre and Post LSU...makes every point, ever written about Saban's great success, by a Sports writer, Columnist, Treasure Troll, Stump-jumper, irrelevant till Bubba Gump wins another NC somewhere else other than LSU...an that my friends, and fellow posters....will Never Happen.
  6. K_Jay

    K_Jay Founding Member

    Aug 16, 2004
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  7. NJtiger

    NJtiger Founding Member

    Oct 25, 2003
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    Nick Saban is a much better coach than Bama has had lately. Even though he has some real faults, he will improve their program immeasurably. Part of the reason is all the hype--people think he walks on water and that will make players think it, etc. Much of college football (and very little of pro football) is the intangible psychic stuff, the momentum, the spirit, and Saban has brought that to Alabama. I think he will be there a long time if he wants to be, because he is so obviously a hard worker and taskmaster and he instills confidence in the fans.

    That having been said, Saban is a very frustrating coach. He sits on leads, he drops big games, his teams sometimes seem to play to the level of the competition (we've already seen that at Bama this year.) But all in all, he is a very good, maybe great, coach, and he will be successful there if only because everyone there wills it to be so.:geauxtige
  8. Fishhead

    Fishhead Founding Member

    Dec 3, 2006
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    It's OK...you can throw me into "that group". As you are a self proclaimed "Saban Apologist", I am a Miles apologist. This has been about Miles since at LEAST February. I read Bama boards...you know that, Terry. I can't defend Miles and bash Saban there like I can here, so I will take EVERY opportunity to do both here on Tigerforums.
  9. TerryP

    TerryP Founding Member

    Oct 30, 2002
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    I agree. He's one of the guys I respond to when they bring points into discussions.
    Beau, don't confuse some of these folks with facts. What's his payday this year? 4.7?
    OK, I can understand that. The only thing I've had to say about Miles is I didn't think he had proved anything after year two, and I was going make my judgment after year 3. He's done a damn good job this year, even with some of the chances he's taken. Hell, he believes in his players and they believe he's making the right calls. That's good football.

    Throw those *group* sayings at someone else. You won't find me staring at a tree with the forest behind it.
  10. Fishhead

    Fishhead Founding Member

    Dec 3, 2006
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    I was referring to TigerBait3 with the "group" comment...in response to his post. But, I should've put one of these behind it...:lol: :hihi: :rofl: , as I was not the least bit serious with that remark.:thumb:

    BUT, I just wish some Bama fans would take the same approach with Saban as you're taking with Miles. Make a judgement after a couple or three years. Not so much you, Terry...but I would say the vast majority of Bama fans automatically think that Saban is a savior...can do no wrong. One of the Bama fans in an earlier post told us to stand back and watch...to him I give the same advice. Of course Bama will compete for the SEC crown...as they did even under Shula...and under probation. But Nick's history includes much more than '03.

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