Isador "Izzy" Einstein

Discussion in 'New Roundtable' started by watson1880, Jun 26, 2019.

  1. watson1880

    watson1880 Founding Member

    Aug 19, 2006
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    Well done New Orleans!

    At one place in Detroit, the bartender refused to serve him because he insisted he was that "Izzy Epstein." "You mean Einstein don't you?" Izzy said. When the bartender insisted it was Epstein, Izzy bet him a drink. When the bartender poured him a drink, Izzy cuffed him and said, "There's sad news here." He even got to bragging he could get off the train and catch a bootlegger within 30 minutes.

    Only once did he fail; it was in Washington, D.C. But in Chicago and St. Louis, he found liquor in 21 minutes. It only took 17 in Atlanta, a mere 11 in Pittsburgh. But in New Orleans he broke all expectations by arresting someone in 35 seconds. He had gotten into a cab, and asked the driver where he could cure his thirst. When the driver reached back with some drink, Izzy cuffed him and, you guessed it, said, "There's sad news here."

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