i believe identity politics is a poison to our society. I believe it started with the integration and civil rights efforts of the 50’s, 60’s & 70’s. The effort to bring equality to African Americans while needed and having the potential to be very positive also created a method that has been copied by smaller groups. Liberals, democrats and progressives have used it to try and create special groups that create grievances mostly imagined to reduce the stability of our society. Women’s rights, Latino Rights, Gay rights, LBGTQ rights, immigrants rights....on and on split us and weaken us. The only result is to pit one group against the other. The objective I believe is to weaken the foundation that made us great. It’s gett so bad that having too many white women at a liberal women’s march is a bad thing. http://krcrtv.com/north-coast-news/...n-19-due-to-overwhelmingly-white-participants We need to remember the motto of our country is E pluribus unum....from many one. We need to fight for everyone’s rights together, NOT group rights.
More despicable and destructive stands by liberal democrats. Apparently the constitution means nothing to them as they ignore the fact it specifically prohibits a religious test for office. To those who know her Kampala Harris showed no respect for the law or the constitution when she was AG of California. She suppressed free speech, allowed unconstitutional search and seizure and tried to defy courts that ruled against her. Neither is fit for office. https://nypost.com/2018/12/29/are-t...-waging-a-bigoted-campaign-against-catholics/
if it weren’t for special interests there would be no Kamala Harris or Mark Meadows Of course that’s like saying that customer service job would be great if it weren’t for the people lobbyists are the debbil oh and cnn too
I think I would seriously consider seeking asylum, somewhere (upper crust) if Kamamla Harris won the presidency. Never heard her say anything that I did not find, well, stupid, revolting ot rude. You heard it here first!
I heard a guy on the radio a while back, he said race is a tool used by the devil to divide us. I had never thought about it that way but if you can put it into perspective it is a very powerful statement. When we start seeing people as people it changes things. We can bring politics into it because one side just wants people working, doesn't matter what color and one side wants them on welfare but beside the point. Anyways
The best, most inciteful comment on race, I have seen, was by a columnist for the Raleigh, News and Observer, Barry Saunders: “The problem is that black people think everything is about race, while white people think nothing is about race!”