Election 2020

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by Tiger in NC, Jul 26, 2020.

  1. Tiger in NC

    Tiger in NC There's a sucker born everyday...

    Sep 2, 2011
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    This is all anecdotal. And if you want to talk about how each candidate is doing with demographics let's talk about it. Trump had indeed made some inroads with minorities but it's minimal and can't touch the amount of seniors that Trump has lost, or women, or even white working class folks. I went to the store yesterday and there were two cars there with Biden stickers and no cars there with Trump stickers. That has to mean Biden will win, right? I'm just going with my gut....

    All that this says is that Trump's followers are ignorant enough to attend a large gathering, most of them without masks. Biden's voters know better than to do something that stupid. This is a testament to the lack of intelligence and refusal to believe good science.

    She isn't running for President and your attempt at casting Biden as the unhealthy one is just another ham-handed, worn out trope that Trump is trying to replay from 2016. Someone should really tell the guy that it's 2020.
  2. LSUpride123

    LSUpride123 PureBlood

    Oct 20, 2008
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    You have no evidence of this

    Masks dont work..

    This is why people know you are full of it. She will be president within 1 year if Biden wins. Nancy already has set it up.
  3. Tiger in NC

    Tiger in NC There's a sucker born everyday...

    Sep 2, 2011
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    You keep saying this but you've yet to show me anything to support this. If the top line in the poll says Biden is up by 10, what exactly are you expecting to find that cannot be also be refuted by that same poll. Your logic is very skewed here so unless you can provide some kind of example....let's move on.

    Again, you are going back to 2016 to illustrate a point today. It's 2020. Why do all of you keep going back to 2016? You do know that Trump is runnign against Joe Biden, right?
  4. kcal

    kcal Founding Member

    Dec 20, 2004
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    agree..... let me know when we’re done goring trump so we can discuss Biden’s integrity issues...
    fanatic likes this.
  5. LSUpride123

    LSUpride123 PureBlood

    Oct 20, 2008
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    Again, every single poll you linked has a link to the questions they ask. That is the evidence you are looking for. Stop being lazy.

    Its not as simple as "who will you vote for president". That is not how they poll. You are clearly ignorant on this topic.

    Because when you are wrong and you dont fix the problems that caused you to be wrong, what do YOU think the chances are that you are right this time?

    This is very basic problem solving you are seemingly struggling with.
  6. fanatic

    fanatic Habitual Line Stepper

    Oct 26, 2003
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    Exactly. Voter suppression doesn't necessarily mean denying someone the right to vote. It typically means discouraging them from exercising their right. This is called a choice and is not infringing on any civil liberties.
    Bengal B likes this.
  7. kcal

    kcal Founding Member

    Dec 20, 2004
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    which is what the polls are intended to do.... discourage gop turn out by declaring Biden the front runner by margins trump can’t overcome....
    fanatic likes this.
  8. Tiger in NC

    Tiger in NC There's a sucker born everyday...

    Sep 2, 2011
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    They are providing one poll of many legitimate polls. And I find it humerous that you guys slam polls but when one...literally one...shows that your guy is close to having a chance, you are all about it. You lose all credibility.

    So let's take a look at the most recent polls in each battleground state: Arizona, Florida, Georgia, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, Nevada, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Texas and Wisconsin. Aside from these Biden goes into election day with 218 electoral votes and Trump with 125 electoral votes. Now let's see the numbers from this past week...

    10-18 YouGov/CBS News Biden+3
    10-15 Monmouth Biden+6
    10-15 Ohio Predictive Insights Biden+3
    10-14 Ipsos/Reuters Biden+4
    10-13 Morning Consult Biden+3

    10-20 University of N. Florida Biden+1
    10-16 Hill-HarrisX Tied
    10-16 Mason-Dixon Biden+3
    10-14 Ipsos-Reuters Biden+2
    10-14 Trafalgar Trump+2
    10-13 Florida Atl. Univ. Biden+4
    10-13 Morning Consult Biden+5

    10-19 Emerson College Trump+1
    10-14 Quinnipiac Biden+7
    10-13 SurveryUSA Biden+2
    10-13 Morning Consult Trump+2

    No polls in the past week, last polls available are
    10-11 YouGov/CBS News Tied
    10-7 Quinnipiac Biden+5
    10-7 Civiqs Biden+1

    10-19 Mitchell Research Biden+10
    10-16 Hill-HarrisX Biden+11
    10-16 Trafalgar Trump+1
    10-15 RMG Research Biden+6
    10-14 EPIC/MRA Biden+9
    10-13 Ipsos/Reuters Biden+8
    10-13 Morning Consult Biden+7

    10-13 Morning Consult Biden+6
    10-7 SurveyUSA Biden+7

    10-13 WPA intel Biden+2
    10-11 YouGov/CBS News Biden+6
    10-7 NYT/Sienna Biden+6

    North Carolina
    10-20 ABC/Wash Post Biden+1
    10-15 Emerson College Tied
    10-15 Civiqs Biden+5
    10-14 NYT/Sienna Biden+4
    10-14 Susquehanna Biden+2
    10-13 SurveyUSA Biden+5
    10-13 Ipsos/Reuters Biden+1
    10-13 Monmouth Biden+3
    10-13 Morning Consult Biden+4

    10-14 Quinnipiac Biden+1
    10-13 Morning Consult Trump+3
    10-11 Baldwin Wallace Trump+2
    10-7 NYT/Sienna Biden+1

    10-19 Ipsos/Reuters Biden+4
    10-19 Trafalgar Biden+2
    10-16 Hill-HarrisX Biden+5
    10-15 Insider Advantage Biden+3
    10-14 RMG Research Biden+6
    10-13 Trafalgar BIden+2
    10-13 Morning Consult Biden+8

    10-13 Morning Consult Trump+2
    10-9 University of Texas Trump+5
    10-8 Crosswind Media Trump+7
    10-7 Civiqs Tied

    10-19 Ipsos/Reuters Biden+8
    10-19 Trafalgar Biden+2
    10-18 YouGov/CBS News Biden+5
    10-15 Trafalgar Biden+2
    10-13 Morning Consult Biden+7

    This tells the whole story.
  9. LSUpride123

    LSUpride123 PureBlood

    Oct 20, 2008
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    I think it more relevant to look at the polls that got it right last time.... I dont know why this is an issue for you....
  10. Tiger in NC

    Tiger in NC There's a sucker born everyday...

    Sep 2, 2011
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    Your either not paying attention, not digging into those polls the way you say you are or simply in denial. I asked you to prove your longstanding point that the internal demographics of these polls would tell a different story than the top line and you continually refuse to do so. If you want evidence of what I am telling you then dig into those polls like you claim that you do and see it for yourself.

    Not what the CDC, Fauci, Birx or Redfield say. I will listen to the scientists over the politcians when it comes to my health.

    Hey, your tin foil hat is about to fall off

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