Daughter was hungry for lobster so took her to Red Lobster. I ate a hamburger, and a dam good one. She laughed her ass off at me when I said I wanted a hamburger. Not just cause "youn don't go to Red Lobster to eat a hamburger" but because she knows I'm stupid crazy about hamburgers.
Never heard of them. Jeebus! This is only your 3rd post in 14 years. Stick around for football season.
Out here, In-n-Out is the perennial favorite. I rarely eat hamburgers out anymore but I think they are pretty good. Hard to argue against fresh over frozen. Best new "fast food" place out here is Slapfish. Yo, CajunlostinCali......the owner is from Sand Dog. They should be opening a place near you soon if not already.
I waited tables and bartended through college at a Red Lobster. I still can't stand to smell cheddar bay biscuits.
Went to Desi Vega Burger in Harahan recently, legit. No mayo, hate mayo The Early Bird Burger - Prime burger with apple wood smoked bacon, cheddar cheese and topped with a fried egg
I never have gotten the whole "top it w/ a fried egg" thing. I know some love it, but it just makes it sloppy and greasy to me. To each their own.