The first Prop 48, Walker Lee Watkins, Slip to most. Stayed in school the entire time. LSU is an Equal Opportunity school, everyone gets the same shot, it's what you do with it. Some kids need that thumb on them all the time.
Well of course. Let's recruit kids who can't pass even though some coed is doing the work for you. The way I see it, we lose thus kid PLUS the 1 that could have taken his place. -2
Chad Lavalais and Justin Vincent are two that come to mind very quickly whom I am glad we didn't give up on right away.
Unless you believe that all these kids are doing their own work. This isn't just an LSU problem. You think J. Winston can figure out x/y (xy) = Hell naw, he thinks that is a screen pass. Edie Lacy? There are lots of them.
Did you see Winston on the Elite 11 before he went to FSU? He was actually a very bright, engaging kid who was a natural leader. He had a clear charisma and was rail thin. The guy we all have watched at FSU since is sad and a testament to what happens when kids are coddled for their athletic ability their entire lives and not disciplined like any kid would be.. Though I agree with you. There are certainly guys with questionable eligibility. Makes the Rashard Robinson's of the world all the more.. amazing/disappointing?
Exactly, and maybe some of them are just playing up for the camera to keep their street cred or whatever the hell that is. Point being I don't for a second believe Dexter Manley was the anomaly, if anything I'd say he is closer to the norm.